Farmville 2 country escape easter event 2019
Farmville 2 country escape easter event 2019

farmville 2 country escape easter event 2019

Select new crops, animals, and buildings you want to place on your farm, plop the plot down, then use the dragging motion to water crops, feed animals, or supply buildings with necessary ingredients to be rewarded with supplies. The interface is welcoming enough - pleasant and straightforward. Upon starting the game I'm given the usual Harvest Moon-esque spiel about my having taken over a farm from my grandparents and how there are folks are around to help me should I need anything and yadda yadda yadda. I have to admit, this is my first experience of FarmVille since the endless requests from the original version spamming me from all directions on Facebook put me off the original. Now it's back for iOS and Android devices with plenty of supposed optimisations saving both time and social spamming.

farmville 2 country escape easter event 2019

The original version of FarmVille 2 launched on Facebook back in 2012.

farmville 2 country escape easter event 2019

What is it about watching progress bars fill up that's so satisfying? If there's one game known for its addictive properties in this regard, it's Zynga's infamous FarmVille series.

Farmville 2 country escape easter event 2019